September 20, 2024


Viral News: Is it possible that a woman does not know about her pregnancy? Could it be that a few hours before the baby is born, they find out that she is pregnant? Obviously, listening to such questions, your simple answer will be no… but it is true. A similar case has come to light from Nebraska, USA, where a woman came to know just 48 hours before the birth of the child that she was pregnant and was about to become the mother of a child.

According to the British newspaper The Sun, 23-year-old Peyton Stower is a teacher by profession. They were showing no signs of pregnancy. One day suddenly Peyton felt that he was feeling tired. But he ignored it. Actually they felt that this fatigue is probably due to more work in the new job.

the doctor was shocked
Payton further told that she went to the doctors after the swelling started in her feet. After this she came to know that she is going to become a mother after a relationship with her boyfriend Travis Koester. She told that the doctor told after two pregnancy tests that she is going to become a mother. Even after this, if he was not convinced, then his ultrasound was done. Peyton said, ‘When I saw it on screen, it was only then that I was convinced that I was pregnant.’

baby born by c-section
After this, the medical staff was rapidly put to work. Actually Peyton’s kidney and liver were not working properly. So he was immediately admitted to the hospital. Peyton said that his blood pressure had increased significantly. The doctors told that the child will have to be removed immediately through the operation. So the baby was delivered via C-section. The child was one kilo 800 grams. The baby was born 10 weeks ago.

doctors told the reason
It was later confirmed that Peyton was suffering from pre-eclampsia, which can lead to high blood pressure during pregnancy. The couple said that they wanted children one day. But the good thing is that he came earlier. Travis said that he could not believe all this.

Tags: OMG News, Pregnancy, Pregnant woman, Viral news


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