September 20, 2024



According to research, the oomicron form of the corona virus can be spread from animals to humans.
The sub-variant of Omicron has raised the concerns of doctors and scientists in many countries around the world.
Review meetings are on for the Omicron sub-variant in India.

Washington. The sub-variant of the corona virus has increased everyone’s concerns. Scientists and doctors around the world are currently looking for a way to eliminate the variant Omicron of Corona. Meanwhile, the Omicron sub-variants have added to the problems. Due to this sub-variant, there was a surge in corona cases in China. At the same time, India has already become alert about this. In this sequence, according to a study report, it is possible that the Omicron form of the SARS-CoV-2 (Corona) virus can be spread from animals to humans. The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, offers a new perspective on the origin of Omicron.

The most important step in corona virus infection is when the spike protein of the virus binds to the receptor of the host (person or animal). Researchers have done a detailed analysis of the structure of the oomicron form of SARS-CoV-2. They found that the oomicron spike protein contained many mutations that matched only to the receptor of mice and would not affect the receptor of humans. According to the researchers, this shows that the Omicron form may not have directly mutated in humans, and that it may have spread to humans after mutating in animals. The study’s lead author, Fang Li of the University of Minnesota in the US, said, “Mutations of the oomicron during the transition from one species of animal to another have left very important signals.”

Researchers say that the corona virus is capable of infecting different animal species and this is the reason why its many forms are coming to the fore. He said, the facts revealed in the study also show that it will be necessary to keep an eye on rats to prevent the spread of new form of corona virus in future. Lee said, ‘The spread of corona virus infection from animals to humans will continue to be a threat to global health.’

Tags: Coronavirus


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