September 20, 2024



American company helped the company that made the state-of-the-art S-400 air-defense system
America has banned the Russian company MMZ Avangard
Extreme said the device was sold without his knowledge

Washington, A report during the Ukraine-Russia war claimed that despite sanctions, an American company helped a Russian company producing missiles. According to this report published in the news agency Reuters, MMZ Avangard, which made the state-of-the-art S-400 air-defense system, was provided by an American company. Since the annexation of Crimea in 2014, the US has banned its companies from doing any kind of business with MMZ Avangard.

This company did business
Publicly traded US technology company Extreme Networks continued to do business with the Russian defense company despite sanctions. Emails and other sources from the company Extreme Networks revealed that the company was providing its services to MMZ Avangard with computer networking equipment for IT systems.

The company said that the information was not
In a statement to Reuters, Extreme Networks said it was possible that the equipment was sold to MMZ Avangard using a surrogate buyer. Extreme said the device was sold without his knowledge. According to Extreme, it is reporting its findings of these potential sales to US authorities. However, the company has not made public any information about the surrogate buyer.

Records also show that the deals were done through a company close to Moscow. Despite concerns expressed by two company executives, sales went ahead. Washington’s purchase of US computer hardware from a Russian military company identified as a threat, despite sanctions, itself raises a huge question mark.

Tags: Russia, S-400, USA


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