September 20, 2024


Washington: The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on Wednesday passed a resolution condemning the Russian occupation of 4 Ukrainian territories, with 143 member states voting in favor, while 5 voting against. At the same time, 35 other countries including India avoided voting and remained absent. A few days ago, another similar censure motion was presented against Russia in the UNGA, against which Russia had used its veto power, even at that time India was absent from voting. India expressed deep concern over the escalation of conflict in Ukraine in the last few days.

India’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ruchira Kamboj told the UNGA that New Delhi is concerned about escalation of conflict in Ukraine, which involves targeting of civilian infrastructure and civilian casualties. “We have consistently advocated that there can never be a solution at the cost of human life. The global order that India is a member of is based on international law, the United Nations Charter and respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all states. These principles should be upheld without exception.

Ruchira Kamboj said, ‘Talk is the only way to resolve differences and disputes, however difficult it may be. The path to peace requires us to keep all avenues of diplomacy open…India stands ready to support all such efforts aimed at reducing tensions. There are still more pressing issues going on, some of which were not adequately covered in the resolution voted on today. He said that our decision to abstain from voting is in line with our well thought out national position. My Prime Minister had clearly said that this is not an era of war. With this determination to strive for a peaceful solution through dialogue and diplomacy, India has decided to avoid it.

Ruchira further said that as developing countries bear the brunt of the consequences of the (Ukraine) conflict over fuel, food and fertilizer supplies, it is important that the voice of the global south is heard and their legitimate concerns are duly addressed. The new resolution, brought by UNGA members, condemns Russia’s attempt to illegally annex four Ukrainian territories following a ‘so-called referendum’. None of the members used the veto against this proposal. The voting took place on Monday, two days after Ukraine and Russia clashed at the UNGA. At the United Nations meeting on Monday, Ukraine took a jibe at Russia, calling it a “terrorist country”. Russia was condemned in this meeting called immediately after the latest Russian attacks in Ukraine. At the same time, Western countries have emphasized the need to isolate Moscow, describing Russia as a ‘terrorist country’.

Tags: Russia, HIM, United Nations General Assembly


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