September 20, 2024


Viral News: Tattoos are extremely popular among the youth. Many people get different types of tattoos done in their entire body. But it was not easy. If it is not made under the supervision of experts, then it also causes a lot of damage on the body. But amidst the craze for tattoos, people do not pay attention to these things. Now take this woman from America. He got his 10 year old son tattooed on his hands and that too in his name. But now he has been arrested by the police.

This woman named Crystal Thomas was living with her son and another brother at the Highland Motel near New York City, USA. They came to know that someone makes tattoos in an adjoining room. After this she took her son there and went away. The son got tattoos done there of his own free will.

found out like this
The tattoo of his son came to know when he went to school. Actually this boy asked the nurse in the school if she could rub Vaseline on his hands. After this a big tattoo appeared on his hands. Later this boy told about the tattoo. He also said that his mother was not there when he was getting the tattoo done.

Artist and mother arrested
Let us tell you that in America, only people above 18 years of age can get tattoos. So the boy’s mother was arrested. Searches were also conducted for the tattoo artist. Later this 20-year-old tattoo artist named Austin Smith was also arrested. The matter is being investigated.

Tags: OMG News, Tattoo, Viral news


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