September 20, 2024


Smiling SunWe the people living on earth think of the sun as a blazing ball of fire. It is said that anyone coming near it will turn into ashes. But there is no opinion that the biggest reason for life on this earth is the Sun. If there was no sun, this world would not be there. We look at the sun almost every morning and evening. We get to see different forms of it all the time. But have you ever seen Suraj smiling? Might not have seen it. NASA’s satellite has captured the smiling picture of the sun for the first time in the camera.

Looks like Sooraj is in a good mood this week. At least it looks like this in this picture of NASA. This picture was taken from NASA’s satellite on Thursday morning. Sharing the photo, NASA wrote, ‘Today, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory captured the Sun ‘smiling’ on camera. Seen in ultraviolet light, these dark spots on the Sun are known as coronal holes and are regions where strong solar winds blow through space.

what is special in this picture
Looking closely at this picture, it seems that he is smiling looking at us. Looking at this photo taken from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, it looks like she has two dark eyes, a round nose and a happy smile.

NASA’s eye on the sun
The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) was launched by NASA in 2010. Since then it has been roaming in space and keeping an eye on the movements of the sun. It is used to study space weather and to track the brightness and explosion of stars. You might remember another picture from 2014, when Sooraj flaunted a Halloween-y jack-o’-lantern face. It seemed a little scary then.

Tags: Nasa, OMG News, Sun


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