September 20, 2024


Jair Lapid, in his first address to the UN General Assembly as Israel’s prime minister, said Israel had become a strong and prosperous democracy, despite the hostility around it, because “we have decided that we will not be victims.”

He said, “We want to not only remain stuck in the pain of the past, but to focus on the hope of the future… to channelize our energies into nation building… and a happy society – optimistic and constructive.”

two-nation solution

He stressed that Israel is seeking peace with the Arab world, especially with the Palestinians.

Israeli Prime Minister Jair Lapid said, “Despite all the odds… a vast majority of Israelis support this vision of a two-state solution. I am one of them too.” But the only condition for this is that “the future Palestinian nation will be a peaceful country” and not a terrorist base that threatens the very existence of our country.

“An agreement with the Palestinians, based on the establishment of two nations for two kinds of people, is the right thing for Israel’s security, for the Israeli economy and for the future of our children,” he said.

unity is possible

The Israeli prime minister said that earlier this year, during the Negev conference between the US Secretary of State, the foreign ministers of Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco and Israel, a terrorist attacked Tel Aviv. Keep in mind that two years ago the possibility of such a conference could not have even been thought of.

He added, “It didn’t take us long to understand that the purpose of that incident… was to sabotage the conference…[मगर] Five minutes later, we issued a joint statement…condemning the attack and reaffirming our belief that there is a different way out for life, cooperation, and.

He said that the conference continued, and agreements were also signed.

two major risks

He outlined two major threats: terrorist states and organizations would acquire nuclear weapons and the “fall of truth”. Here he referred to lies and fake or false news.

Giving an example of the lies engulfed his country, he said, “In May 2022 a picture of a three-year-old Palestinian girl, Malak al-Tanani, was published around the world, with the painful news that she and her parents was killed in an attack by the Israeli Air Force. It was shocking news, but Malak Al Tanani doesn’t exist. That picture was taken from Instagram. This is a girl from Russia.”

The Israeli prime minister asked the heads of the countries why they were listening to people who spend huge money to distort the truth and take the side of Islamic extremists.


Israeli Prime Minister Jair Lapid said that as a sovereign and an equivalent member of the United Nations, he would not remain silent when those who harm Israel “use this platform to spread lies about us”.

He said that Iran is running such a game of hate. He described the Iranian government as hating Jews, women, gay people, Westerners, “different-minded Muslims like Salman Rushdie”.

Jair Lapid said that his hatred defends his oppressive regime. He described Iran as the only UN country “that openly expresses its desire to destroy another UN member state”.

Despite many open declarations of Israel’s “complete destruction”…”this building is silent”.

The Israeli prime minister said, “The country that wants to destroy us is also the country that created the largest terrorist organization in the world – Hezbollah”. He also said that if Iran gets nuclear weapons, it will use it.

He said that to prevent this from happening, a credible military threat would have to be placed on the table and a long-term and strong agreement would have to be negotiated with them.

The Israeli prime minister said, “Iran must make it clear that if it advances its nuclear program, the world will respond with military force, not just words.”


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