September 20, 2024


You must have seen many creatures like dog-monkey who start chasing humans in many situations. Sometimes dogs fall behind people going by bike or car on the road, while sometimes monkeys also do this. But have you ever seen birds doing this? These days, a similar sight is being seen in the area present in a city in America, but the strange thing is that there is no animal like dog-cat, but the birds (Turkey bird stalking residents in America) have fallen behind the people and He’s got a stink in his nose.

According to the report of the Daily Star website, a strange incident is happening these days in Woburn, Massachusetts, USA. Here the Turkish birds terrorize people in America. Many such videos related to their antics are becoming viral on social media which will surprise you. Talking to the Daily Star, Meghan Tolson, who lives in the area, said that she has also named these birds. The name of the most disturbing of them is Kevin.

People are not coming out because of fear of turkey birds
Where the birds see the door of the car open, they enter inside it and run away again with great difficulty. Apart from this, when people go out on the streets, they start chasing them. Not only cars, they start hitting small children with their beaks. There are many birds that are entering even inside the house and are harming goods by pecking here and there. Turkeys are attacking and harming people, vehicles. Being troubled by these things, people are locking themselves in their homes and are not able to get out.

Turkey’s terror shown in the video
A video posted on Twitter account @MattWBZ courtesy of WBZ News Radio shows how the turkeys are chasing people and the options people are taking to drive them away. It has been told in the video that people are carrying umbrellas with them to drive them away and when they come in front, they are opening it in front of them, fearing that they are running away.

Tags: Ajab Gajab News, Trending news, Weird news


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