September 20, 2024



Fire in a multi-storey building in Manhattan, New York
38 injured due to lithium battery fire
Some people living on the upper floors of the building came out through the roof

New York. A fire from a lithium battery in a 37-story building in Manhattan, New York has left 38 people injured, two of whom are in critical condition. The rescue team, including top officials of the New York administration, had reached the spot. Giving information, the fire officials said that 38 people have been injured due to the fire, in which 5 people are seriously injured, while the condition of 2 remains critical.

It was told that a fire broke out in a 37-storey building located on East 52nd Street of Manhattan on Saturday morning, after which an atmosphere of chaos was created on the spot. The firefighters who reached the spot after getting information saved the lives of the people. Many of whose videos are viral on social media. In the viral video, people are seen hanging on the windows of the apartment. Which firefighters are taking down from the smoke-filled building with the help of ropes. After the incident all the injured people have been taken to the hospital. where he is being treated.

Lithium battery fire
Regarding the incident, the fire officials said that they immediately reached the spot on the information of the fire. After which people were taken out. Some people living on the upper floors of the building came out through the roof. New York Fire Department Commissioner Laura Kavanaugh said the fire was caused by a lithium battery used in an unidentified device on the 20th floor.

Giving information about the incident, officials said that 38 people have been injured in the incident, out of which two are in critical condition and five are seriously injured. All the injured are admitted in the hospital. where he is being treated.

Tags: America, Fire, New York


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