September 20, 2024


Have you ever heard before that a woman does not have symptoms of pregnancy and she has become a mother. Have you heard that after the delivery of the baby, the woman came to know that she was pregnant for the last 9 months? Although this does not usually happen, but in recent times some such cases have definitely come to the fore. One such case has come from America. Here too the woman had no news about her pregnancy. So after the birth of the child, everyone’s senses were blown away.

According to the New York Post, a woman named Kayla Simpson is a student of Indiana University. One day she was having fun in the party, when she suddenly got severe stomach ache. He was immediately taken to the emergency ward. He and the doctors thought that the appendix had burst. But after some tests, it came to know that the matter is something else, she is going to become a mother. 21-year-old Simpson gave detailed information about this on her Tiktok.

regular period
Simpson from New Jersey told that he was also having regular periods. She had lost a lot of weight in the months before welcoming her now almost 1-year-old daughter. Simpson said, ‘I went to the hospital thinking I had appendicitis. I started screaming in pain and the doctor came running to my hospital room. This video of him has gone viral. It has been seen by more than one crore people so far.

what did the doctors say
Simpson said she and the child’s father – who she did not name – are actively involved in their daughter’s life. She said that she was not using contraceptive pills at the time of conception. Despite their claims, doctors can confirm that it is not physically possible for women to undergo menstruation during pregnancy, although some degree of vaginal “spotting” is not uncommon. But when it came to Simpson’s figure change, she claimed that instead of getting a baby bump, she was rocking a taut belly throughout her womb.

Tags: OMG News, Pregnancy


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