September 20, 2024


“Our collective responsibility … is to understand the scope of these challenges, which make up this momentous moment,” the Brazilian leader said, drawing attention to the theme of this year’s general debate.

“And then, from here, the countermeasures have to be created, for which the source of power will come from common purposes for all of us.”

He said that this effort will have to be started within every country. “That’s what we do at our domestic level, which gives us some authority, from which we act internationally.”

President Bolsonaro outlined his government’s efforts to protect lives and jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

These include providing emergency financial assistance to the needy and launching a country-wide vaccination program that has resulted in 80 per cent of the country’s 21 crore population being vaccinated.

The President said that the result of these and other measures is that Brazil’s economy is now on the path of recovery.

“The economy is again on the path of growth. Due to the effects of the pandemic, poverty has increased around the world. It started declining rapidly in Brazil.”

He estimated that by the end of 2022, four percent of Brazilian households would be living on less than $1.90 a day, an improvement compared to the 5.1 percent figure in 2019.

In addition, unemployment and inflation rates have also come down, and Brazil was the fourth largest country for foreign direct investment in 2021.

According to the Brazilian leader, progress has also been made in food production, and Brazil is now a leading country in the field of food exporters.

Sharing the achievements in the field of sustainable development, he said that the intention to protect more than 80 percent of the Amazon forests has been ensured that they remain untouched.

Along with this, the process of modernization in the biofuel industry has also been taken forward. “We are sure that we are all on the right track. The road to shared prosperity.”

“One that must be shared with Brazilian citizens and beyond, our neighbors and our partners around the world.”

President Bolsonaro said the sustainable development agenda has been impacted by the risks posed to international peace and security.

Among them is the ongoing war in Ukraine, the brunt of which can be seen in the boom in global prices of food, fuel and other raw materials.

He expressed confidence that Brazil supports all efforts to reduce the economic effects of this crisis.

“However, we do not believe that the best course of action is the adoption of unilateral and selective sanctions that do not conform to international law.”

He said that the solution to the violent conflict in Ukraine can be achieved only through dialogue and dialogue.


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