September 20, 2024


On this occasion, a minute’s silence was also observed in the Shanti Upvan at the headquarters.

UN Secretary General He also thanked those who joined the call for peace, and reminded that today peace is under attack.

The UN chief said that the poison of war is infecting our world – putting millions of lives at risk, people turning hostile to each other, nations turning against each other, Security and quality of life are declining, development is reversing.

“It’s also pushing our shared goals for the future further and further away.”

The UN chief stressed that instead of engaging in war, humanity should unite to address common challenges.

These challenges include poverty, hunger and inequality; climate change and biodiversity loss; The Covid-19 pandemic – and racism – still ravaging lives and economies.
The main theme of this year’s International Day of Peace is the issue of racism.

Encouragement of peace

He reminded that although the main mission of the United Nations is to advance peace, but “the work of peace building is on everyone’s shoulders”.

He urged, “united, let us advance peace.”

“Peace for our planet…for developing countries who are becoming victims of a deeply biased global financial system…and peace for all in the name of equality – against all forms of discrimination, racism and ‘hate speech’ By eliminating.

The UN chief also advocated peace for the youth, who will have to face the consequences of the decisions or failure to make decisions of today’s responsible generation.

“And most importantly – the peace of crores of people of the world today, who have to live in the horrors of war.”

global solidarity right now

The UN Secretary-General underlined the need for global solidarity, collective action, dedication, and mutual trust, “more now than ever”.

“It starts here – and right now. Come, let us raise the cry for a world full of peace for all.

need for solidarity

Kasaba Korosa, President of the UN General Assembly, reminded that this peace bell was built in 1954 with coins donated by 60 countries.

“We need that same solidarity today so that our work here remains relevant and effective,” he said.

The new President of the UN General Assembly described how global peace is at grave risk today as more refugees and displaced people are forced to flee violence than ever before. This has never been seen in the history of the United Nations.

He underlined that the consequences of the Ukraine war are being felt well beyond the borders of the region, and is a stark reminder that threats to peace are always present, and that no country should take this for granted. can.

education is very important

Kasaba Korosi said that this year’s theme – “End apartheid. Building Peace”, forces everyone to remember that “racism is still deeply rooted in our world.”

Racism threatens global peace, weakens social ties, and leaves countries vulnerable to climate change, conflict, and other crises.

He argued, “To break the superstition and conservative thinking behind racism, education and science are very important.”

He also said that “a diversity of ideas inspires creativity and fuels innovation” – which is the source of our strength.

He urged everyone to “end once and for all all forms of racism and discrimination.”

height of quality

Kasaba Korosi also drew attention to the high-level meeting of the UN General Assembly held on September 21, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National, Racial, Religious and Linguistic Minorities.

He called the meeting an occasion to rededicate to the practice of tolerance, inclusion and respect for biodiversity.

The UN General Assembly President also paid tribute to those who drafted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

He also prayed for the sound of this bell to become a support of freedom and equality for everyone, everywhere.

The International Day of Peace is celebrated every year on 21 September. This day is dedicated to strengthening the ideals of peace between all nations and within all peoples.


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