September 20, 2024



More than 80 American Muslims win midterm elections
145 American Muslim candidates took part in these elections.
71 American Muslim candidates were elected in the 2020 election

Washington, In the midterm elections held in America, this time there has been a lot of coin of Muslim candidates. In this election, more than 80 American Muslims have won the results. The American Muslim organization Council on American-Islamic Relations, assessing the results of the mid-term elections, said in its report that the 2022 mid-term has been a historic election for the Muslim community. According to the organization, 145 American Muslim candidates took part in the ongoing elections for local, state and federal office, including 23 states.

80 American Muslims won

According to a report by CAIR and Jetpack Resource Center, more than 80 Muslim candidates have won local, state, federal and judicial seats in more than 20 states. CAIR and the Jetpack Resource Center is a non-profit organization that works to increase Muslim representation in US government and politics. This marks the most electoral victories among Muslim Americans since Jetpack and CAIR began tracking. According to the institution, 71 candidates were selected in 2020.

Jetpack has created a record of Muslims standing for the legislative seats of the state. According to the data, 17 new Muslim candidates have appeared this time who have won the election. Mohamed Missouri, executive director of Jetpack, said that all Muslim legislators in the state who once again stood for re-election have retained their seats. He said it was a big deal.

Became the first Muslim woman of Somali origin Member of parliament

In Minnesota, 25-year-old Zainab Mohamed, a Democrat, became the first Muslim woman of Somali descent to be elected to the state Senate. In Georgia, four Muslims were elected to US state office. These include Democrat Ruva Roman, the first Muslim woman elected to the Georgia House of Representatives, and Nabila Islam, the first Muslim woman elected to the Georgia Senate. In Texas, the first two Muslim lawmakers are Democrat Salman Bhojani, who won House District 92 in Tarrant County, and Suleiman Lalani, who won House District 76 in Fort Bend County.

Tags: Muslim leaders, US elections


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