September 20, 2024


Viral News: A surprising case has come to light from Texas, America. One person was badly injured due to lightning. He had stopped breathing for an hour. The family had accepted that he was no longer alive. Not only this, the doctors also considered him clinically dead. But now this person is not only alive but is still walking on his own. This incident is of the year 2020. At that time this person was with his family on the beach of Florida.

Talking to the New York Post, Jacob Brewer’s mother Barbara Brewer said, ‘The storm started coming and we started packing our things and walking. Then a thud fell on Bolt’s chest. At first I didn’t even know what happened, it felt like an explosion. I could not understand.

foaming at the mouth
He further told, ‘I saw that foam was coming out of his mouth. I knew she needed CPR and I could not do it myself. The storm was terrible. We couldn’t stay on the beach, we had to get Jacob off the beach. I was just thinking, ‘Oh my God, I’m going to lose my son,’

put on ventilator
According to the newspaper, after 10 to 15 minutes, an ambulance arrived and took Brewer away. He was not breathing. It took doctors 45 minutes to an hour to revive him at the hospital. He was transferred to Tampa General Hospital. He was put on ventilator. After two weeks of ICU care – doctors stabilized her enough to transfer her to Cook Children’s Hospital in Fort Worth, Texas.

hands and feet amputated
Brewer’s mother said, ‘To save them they had to amputate his arms and legs up to the elbows and knees because they were badly swollen from the lightning strike. Unfortunately, Kishor’s condition started deteriorating rapidly. He had suffered a spinal cord injury and stroke as a result of being struck by lightning and was transferred to a Chicago hospital.;

The family did not lose courage
They said, ‘We realized that not only could he not use his legs but he also could not control his bladder or bowels. He was completely paralyzed. According to Kennedy News, Brewer’s family contacted several big experts. Now he is walking on his own.

Tags: OMG News, Viral news


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