September 20, 2024



About 30 years ago, the embryo was frozen in the US state of Tennessee.
Now twins have been born from that embryo.
This is a new record in itself.

Washington. About 30 years ago, the embryo was frozen in the US state of Tennessee, now twins have been born from that embryo. This is a new record for storing an embryo for such a long time and then successfully giving birth to children from it. The embryo was kept in liquid nitrogen on 22 April 1992 at about 128 degree centigrade ie 200 Fahrenheit.

According to a BBC report, Rachel Ridgeway, a mother of four, gave birth to twins on 31 October. His father Philip Ridgeway was very excited by this news. He called it ‘mind blowing’. According to the National Embryo Donation Center (NEDC), Lydia Ann and Timothy Ronald Ridgeway have set a new record. It is known that NEDC is a private faith based organization. Earlier in the year 2020, a child was born after 27 years from one such frozen embryo.

According to the National Embryo Donation Center (NEDC), a private faith-based organization, Lydia Ann and Timothy Ronald Ridgeway have set a new record. Earlier in 2020, a child was born from one such frozen embryo after 27 years. For this, this twin embryo was prepared using IVF for an unknown married couple. The age of the male in the married couple was around 50. He kept it in a fertility lab on the west coast of America till 2007. The couple later donated it to the NEDC in Knoxville so another couple could use it.

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After this success, the NEDC hopes that others will be encouraged to adopt embryos. In a statement, the NEDC said it hoped the news would encourage others to adopt embryos.

Tags: America, United States of America, World news in hindi


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