September 20, 2024


Washington: The US Senate on Tuesday passed a landmark bill to protect same-sex and interracial marriages. In the United States, same-sex marriage unions have been guaranteed by the Supreme Court since 2015, gay marriage from june considered at risk when the conservative-dominated Supreme Court struck down abortion rights. US lawmakers fear that a conservative judge may overturn the recognition of same-sex marriage.

The Respect for Marriage Act got 61 votes in its favor while 36 votes were cast against it. Every Democrat present voted for it, requiring at least 10 Republicans to vote with them but they 12’s support was easily found.

After passing the historic bill, President Joe Biden said in a statement, “Our country is on the verge of affirming a fundamental truth: love is only love.” Americans should have the right to marry the person they love.” Explain that to give this bill the form of law, it will be sent to President Joe Biden’s desk to get it signed, but for that the approval of the House will be required.

Tags: America, Joe Biden, Same Sex Marriage


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