September 20, 2024


This waterway of South East Asia is counted among the deadliest routes in the world, and more than one thousand 900 people have made this journey since the month of January this year.

This number is six times more than the year 2020.

Shabia Mantu, a spokeswoman for the UN refugee agency, issued a warning saying: “People attempting these journeys are exposed to serious risks and fatal consequences.”

“It is tragic that this year alone, 119 people have been reported killed or missing during these yatras.”

The majority of those risking their lives are Rohingya refugees, who were forced to migrate by the millions in 2017 to escape military persecution in Myanmar.

The UN Refugee Agency has urged the governments of countries located in the region to provide assistance.

The organization welcomed Indonesia’s recent decision to allow more than 200 people to disembark and seek asylum in northern Aceh.

UN agencies support

The refugees, who landed safely on the Indonesian coast 15 days ago in two boats, are currently living at a local immigration office.

In addition to the UN Migration Agency and the UN Refugee Agency, partner organizations are doing everything possible to help refugees on the ground.

“We are cooperating closely with the local administration to provide assistance to the refugees. This includes registering them, meeting their basic needs, and making arrangements for safe and adequate living for both groups.

adventure trip

The UN agency has warned that many other boats full of desperate people are stranded on the sea route, and efforts are needed to save the lives of the passengers.

The refugee office noted that growing desperation is forcing people living in vulnerable circumstances to make these life-threatening journeys.

In view of this, UN agencies and humanitarian relief organizations have called for increased regional and international cooperation to save lives and share responsibility.

There are currently more than 13,000 refugees and asylum-seekers living in Indonesia, most of whom are from Afghanistan, Somalia, Myanmar.

In the year 2016, human traffickers left more than five thousand women, men and children stranded in the sea route in the Andaman Sea.

Subsequently, governments in the Asia-Pacific region pledged to do more to prevent deaths on these deadly journeys.


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