September 20, 2024



Artificial intelligence will soon detect human diseases
Genome readers also capable of detecting diseases ranging from cancer to the common cold
Researchers believe that if the algorithm is wrong then its result will also be wrong.

Washington: The popularity of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has increased so much that now it can easily detect human diseases as well. According to a research, every human being has a genome i.e. a set of DNA. It is complex because it consists of 3 billion DNA bases which are identified by a 4 letter code. According to the researchers, it is probably humanly impossible to analyze about it. That’s why the help of Artificial Intelligence can be taken here, which will also be able to find out which disease a person is suffering from.

This research on the benefits of Artificial Intelligence has been published in a journal named ‘Nature Machine Intelligence’. According to research, through billions of coding in Artificial Intelligence, those things can be detected which can be missed by humans. AI-powered genome readers may also be able to detect diseases ranging from cancer to the common cold. “AI researchers are constantly creating new algorithms from a variety of sources, and it is difficult to judge whether their creations are good or bad,” says Professor Peter Ku from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL). Researchers believe that if the algorithm is wrong, then its result will also be wrong.

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Please tell that Gopher helped Ku Lab in working on this research. The Kuo team hopes that the gopher will help optimize the AI ​​algorithm. Researchers believe that one day AI will make the work of doctors easier. AI will soon be able to identify diseases of humans, so that patients can also be cured soon.

Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Disease, Research


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