September 20, 2024


These findings confirm the trend that people in all regions of the world are consuming more calories than in 2000, with Asian countries seeing the biggest jump in calorie consumption in 2021.

Europe and North America consumed the most calories last year, averaging 3,540 calories per day, while African countries consumed the least, at 2,600 calories.

the heat is on

Data from the UN Food and Agriculture Agency indicates that the average temperature during the year 2021 will be 1.4°C higher than the period between 1951 and 1980.

The maximum temperature change was observed in Europe, followed by Asia.

The FAO has said that greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural land also decreased by 4 percent between 2000 and 2020.

Rice ahead in emissions

The UN agency’s annual statistics book also highlights that cattle emit 50 times more carbon dioxide than poultry.

On the other hand, the rice crop emits five times more emissions into the atmosphere than wheat and other hard grains.

The data is collected from 245 countries and territories, with more than 20,000 indicators. According to these statistics, today around 86 crore 60 lakh people around the world work in the agriculture sector.

rich harvest

The UN agency says that since 2000, the yield of primary crops such as sugarcane, maize, wheat and rice has increased by 52 percent between 2000 and 2020, to 9.3 billion tonnes.

During the same period, vegetable oil production has increased by 125 percent, and palm oil production has seen a 236 percent increase.

Poultry accounted for the largest share in meat production growth at 45 percent, while fruits and vegetables saw an increase of about 20 percent or less.

international point

A farmer planting rice in the Philippines.

A farmer planting rice in the Philippines.

In addition, global food exports have grown to $1.42 trillion, a 3.7-fold increase since 2000.

The United States, the Netherlands, and China are the world’s largest food exporting countries, while Brazil, Argentina, and Spain are among the net exporting countries. The largest net importing countries are China, Japan and the United Kingdom.

On the whole earth, about 4.74 billion hectares of area is agricultural land, which includes crops in all its forms.

Nevertheless, since 2000, the total area under cultivation has decreased by three percent, and per person by six times, compared to the beginning of the century, and Africa is also in this is at the top.

Data experts from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) say that worldwide pesticide use, which peaked in 2012, has begun to decline in 2017.

The use of excessive pesticides will have to be phased out gradually because their correct use has proved to be very difficult.

The use of excessive pesticides will have to be phased out gradually because their correct use has proved to be very difficult.


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