September 20, 2024


Washington: Gay marriages will now be legal in America. After getting approval from both the houses of America, President Joe Biden signed the Gay Marriage Bill in the White House Ceremony and stamped it. Recently, the ‘House of Representatives’, the lower house of the US Parliament, had finally given final approval to the bill protecting same-sex marriage. It had already been approved in the ‘Senate’, the upper house of the Parliament. In this way this bill took the form of law.

After signing this gay marriage bill, Joe Biden tweeted and said, ‘Today is a very good day. Today America has taken another step in the direction of equality. These are steps towards freedom and justice not just for some, but for all. Because today I have signed the marriage bill. In the South Lawn of the White House, Joe Biden said that this law is a blow against all forms of hatred and that is why this law matters to every American. A celebratory crowd of thousands turned out on Tuesday afternoon to watch President Joe Biden sign gay marriage legislation into law.

President Joe Biden’s signing of this legislation and thus giving legal recognition to gay marriage is a big step in the history of America. This is a major step towards the decades-long struggle for nationwide recognition, which reflects a major change in social attitude. This is a relief to thousands of couples who got married after the Supreme Court’s judgment in 2015 legalized these marriages. But the couple were worried because of the possibility of overturning the decision.

After voting in favor of this bill in the past, Joe Biden termed this legislation as an ‘important step’ in ensuring that Americans would have the right to marry the person of their choice. He had said that this legislation has given dignity and hope to lakhs of youth across the country, who can grow up knowing that the family they build will be recognized and respected by their government.

In the ‘House of Representatives’, the bill was passed by 258 votes against 169, including 39 votes of Republicans. The bill would also provide protection to interracial unions, requiring states to recognize marriages as valid irrespective of gender, race, caste and nationality of origin. After months of deliberations, the Senate, the upper house of parliament, passed the bill last week with 12 Republicans voting for it.

Democrats quickly introduced the bill in the House of Representatives and the Senate after the Supreme Court’s ruling. Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, who is stepping down from office in the coming January, had said that this is magic, this bill is a glorious victory of love and freedom. Voting took place on Thursday amid violent attacks on the LGBTQ community. Earlier, five people were killed and at least 17 were injured during a shooting at a gay nightclub in Colorado. Baldwin, the first senator to publicly declare himself gay, has been fighting for gay rights for nearly four decades.

Tags: America, Joe Biden, Same Sex Marriage


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