September 20, 2024


California: 12-year-old Madison Checketts, a resident of the US state of California, has shown such an innovation at a young age, which can prove to be very important in preventing pollution caused by single-use plastic. Due to single use plastic, maximum pollution is caused to water and water sources. Chekets has created such a water bottle, which you can eat instead of throwing it after the water is over. According to the report of Smithsonian Magazine, Madison used to go to Escondido beach in California every year during the holidays. Checketts used to be very sad to see the plastic bottle waste lying in and around the beach.

This little girl decided to find some solution to deal with plastic waste and started research on plastic pollution. Then started working on the ‘Eco-Hero’ project. Madison made edible bottles using gelatin, in which water can also be stored. Madison Checketts’ project won first place in the prestigious STEM field competition, the Broadcom Masters Competition 2022. Now she will take the ‘Eco-Hero’ project to national level competitions. Checketts is a student of Eagle Mountain School, Utah.

Water Store

300 million bottles are used in America every year
In initial research, Madison Checketts came to know that water bottles are designed for single use. That is, they have to be thrown after one use, due to which a lot of pollution spreads. According to an estimate, about 300 million water bottles are used in the US every year, due to which a large amount of plastic waste is made. Recycling is not possible on such a large scale. After being thrown away, these plastic bottles often end up in the oceans. It is estimated that more than 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic waste end up in our oceans every year.

Water Store

The pollution caused by plastic waste destroys marine ecology. poses a special threat to marine organisms. Sea creatures ingest plastic waste, which can make them sick and cause other internal damage. During research, Checketts came to know about the process of saving liquid in a membrane made of gel. He used this in his innovation. This bottle made of gelatin membrane can hold a little less than a cup of water. It costs about 100 rupees to make one unit of it.

Tags: Plastic waste, Science News Today, Single use Plastic


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