September 20, 2024


United Nations. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Monday that he is “not optimistic” about the prospect of “effective peace talks” regarding the Ukraine war in the near future. Guterres said on Monday, “I am not optimistic about the possibility of effective peace talks in the near future. I think the military confrontation will continue. I think we still have to wait for the moment when serious talks will be possible.”

Guterres was responding to a question on whether he saw any way forward for peace talks in Ukraine ahead of his year-end press conference. He said, “I do not see any way at the moment. That is why we are focusing on various other aspects as part of our efforts.” At the same time, Russian President Vladimir Putin reached Belarus on Monday. On the other hand, the Russian army is intensifying airstrikes on Ukraine in the ongoing war for almost 10 months.

At the same time, just a few hours before Putin reached Belarus, the Russian army launched a fresh drone attack on Ukraine. Russian troops are targeting Ukraine’s power plants as part of a strategy to withdraw from Ukraine during the winter. Russia is expected to get more military help in the war with Putin’s visit to Belarus.

When Russia invaded Ukraine in February, Belarus allowed Russian troops to be stationed here. Belarus is believed to have a stockpile of Soviet-era weapons, which could help Russia. In this sense, this visit of Putin is being considered important.

Tags: Russia ukraine war, United nations


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