September 20, 2024


Washington. America’s Drug Enforcement Administration has seized about 400 million (400 million) doses of the deadly drug Fentanyl from the United States in the year 2022. So many doses are enough to kill the entire population of America. The drug agency has described fentanyl as the most addictive substance, which is 50 percent more addictive than heroin and the most deadly among drugs found in America.

According to the DEA, it has seized about 4500 kg of fentanyl. Along with this, about 50.6 million i.e. 5.6 crore tablets of fentanyl, which were made like pain medicine, have also been seized. Compared to these drugs caught in 2021, twice as many drugs have been seized this time. Most of these drugs, the agency said, were made clandestinely in Mexico by the Sinaloa and Jalisco drug cartels in large quantities. Chemicals from China have been used for this.

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The amount of fentanyl seized this year is enough to kill 303 million people in the United States.

The fentanyl drug is so potent that even a pencil-sized amount can prove fatal. One lakh people died in America last year due to drug overdose, out of which two-thirds of the deaths were due to fentanyl.

Tags: America, Drug


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