September 20, 2024



American man tried to rob the shop on Christmas Day
Shop staff pushed suspect onto frozen ice
The revolver was pointed at the employees, then the head injury came from falling

New York. Snow storm (US Snow Storm 2022) is causing havoc in America. in most of the states of the country snowfall The situation has worsened due to heavy snowfall. Many people also died in different incidents. The movement of road to airways and trains is affected. Due to this people going on Christmas holidays have got disappointed.

In the midst of such circumstances, a strange incident has come to the fore. Christmas On the day of Christmas day, an American man tried to rob the shop, but during this, he got hurt in the head by slipping on the frozen ice. gainesville police (Gainesville Police) compared the incident to ‘home alone‘ (Home Alone Film) is from a scene in the film.

According to the news of America Fox News, when people all over the world were celebrating Christmas. That day, an American man tried to carry out a robbery in a shop with a gun. But the employees of the shop pushed the suspect onto the frozen ice and he slipped as soon as he fell. After slipping on the ice, he fell down and hurt his head. But he still tried to carry out the robbery.

Read- US Snow Storm 2022: Snow storm wreaks havoc in America, 60 dead, frozen bodies found in vehicles

He pointed a revolver at an employee roaming outside. After this there was a scuffle between the two. Meanwhile, other employees of the shop also gathered. Suspect Luis Szabocho-Ordonez also fired but no one was hit. Because of this, he failed to carry out the robbery incident. America’s Gainesville Police has compared this entire incident to a scene from the film ‘Home Alone’.

Let us tell that the snow storm in the North region of America has created havoc all around. More than 60 people have lost their lives in the snow storm. Most of the deaths occurred in Buffalo’s New York City. A thick layer of snow has accumulated on the roads. Even the waterfalls of the cities have frozen. More than 5200 flights were canceled due to which the passengers have to face a lot of problems. It has been warned that if the temperature rises, the snow will start melting, which can lead to flood-like situations.

Tags: America, Heavy snowfall, World news in hindi


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