September 20, 2024


A mother’s relationship with her daughter changed when the report of her DNA test came out. According to the forensic expert of Colombia’s Institute of Genetics, such facts have come to light in the test of a young woman’s genes, which are surprising.

experts puzzled
Scientists found after testing that her mother is not the real mother but the maternal uncle of her daughter whereas according to her father she gave birth to the child. Things got even weirder when other results showed that the girl’s father didn’t actually give birth to her. The father got angry on this and raised questions on the hospital itself. Said someone has changed the results, how can this happen. Even the experts were surprised to know this. At an international seminar held in Washington DC, the institute’s forensic expert Juan Yunis told that at first our head was also confused because for the first time such results have come in the genetic test of a young woman, but later we understood a two-decade-old case. .

After the arrival of the DNA test report, the experts drew many important conclusions. Told that the blood sample taken from the mother indicated that she was not a female. Her sample had the XY chromosomes of biological males instead of the XX chromosomes found in females. GRID has called it Maternal Exclusion in medical language. Scientist said that in some such intersex women having XY chromosome, they have infertility problem. The DNA report revealed that the alleged father of the girl was not actually her father. This was the result of Parental Exclusion. However, later in the blood test, the father’s report was different.

Such a claim was made 20 years ago
Younes reported that in 2002, he was part of the team that conducted genetic testing on Karen Keegan in search of a kidney transplant. They made a somewhat unusual discovery that suggested that the genetic makeup may consist of two pairs of egg and sperm cells. Then a DNA test was done on a 52-year-old woman named Karen Keegan. Yunis called it a tetragametic chimera. In this tetra ie four eggs and sperm cells (gametes) were mixed. This condition occurs when the genes of one vanishing twin embryo mix with those of the surviving embryo during early pregnancy. And it was the same situation with this woman, in this it can be called a human chimera.

What is chimerism?
Chimera is named after a mythical creature that is a combination of several animals. It is a single organism made up of cells from many different individuals. In mammals, chimeras are produced when two (or sometimes more) embryos fuse during pregnancy. Such an unusual condition is formed in the genes of vanishing twin in the mother’s womb. When a child is born looks something from birth but reality is different from appearances. This occurs when the genes of vanishing twins mix with those of the living fetus in the womb.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, Genetic diseases, Trending news


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