September 20, 2024


Digital Desk, Beijing. China’s semiconductor industry has been rocked by mass departures of US workers after US President Joe Biden’s administration announced new limits.

The export controls limit China’s ability to buy and manufacture certain high-end chips used in military applications, which the US claimed interfered with US national security and foreign policy, reported It was necessary to protect the interests of

The report said the sanctions restrict exports of US semiconductor equipment that no foreign competitor can provide.

It states that manufacturing plants based in China also need a license to export US equipment or parts and, critically, any US citizen or entity must obtain permission from the US Department of Commerce before providing assistance to Chinese plants. . Anyone who violates the restrictions could face arrest by the Justice Department.

According to the report, if one expert is to be believed, the controls have caused the complete collapse of China’s semiconductor industry overnight.


Disclaimer: This is a news published directly from IANS news feed. With this, the team of has not done any editing. In such a situation, any responsibility regarding the related news will be of the news agency only.


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