September 20, 2024



The CPSC has declared the gas stove a health hazard.
The US government can take a decision soon to ban the gas stove.

New York. The Biden government may soon take a big decision regarding the gas stove in America. Keeping the environment in mind, the Biden government is preparing to ban gas stoves. According to the report, the American Consumer Product Safety (CPSC) has said that the gas stove used for cooking causes pollution. CPSC Commissioner Richard Trumka Jr. said that gas stoves are a hidden danger, products that are not safe can be banned.

poisonous gas coming out of gas stove
According to the report, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and particulate matter go into the atmosphere from the gas stove, which have been described as dangerous by the World Health Organization and the Environmental Protection Agency. It has been told in the report that cooking on a gas stove produces two and a half times more particulate matter in the atmosphere than on an electric stove. Due to this, apart from respiratory problems, poisonous gas can also cause problems related to heart disease and cancer.

Gas stove in 35 percent of America’s homes
Quoting an expert in the report, 50 years of health studies have found that gas stoves are harmful to our health and asthma in children is the biggest proof of this. Please tell that at present, gas stove is used in 35 percent of the homes in America. The number of gas stoves is high in places like California and New Jersey in America, where gas stoves are used in 70 percent of the homes.

6.5 lakh children suffering from asthma
A recent study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health states that 13 percent of asthma cases in American children are caused by toxic fumes emanating from gas stoves. According to media reports, the gas stove is responsible for 12.7 percent of the asthma in children in America. Asthma in a total of 6.5 million American children has been caused by gas stoves. Poisonous gases coming out of the gas stove become a major cause of asthma in children.

Tags: America, Joe Biden


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