September 20, 2024


New Delhi. The development of technology to meet the ever-increasing demands of the world is far ahead of the speed of electricity. With the help of technology, there are talks about flying cars in the future, for which we may have to wait a little longer, but it will prove to be a great success to get acquainted with a new technology.

Researchers at the University of Massachusetts, located in the US city of Amherst, have claimed that they have found in one of their studies that the human body can be used to harness waste energy and which can be used to power devices in the future. Could.

The human body could then act as an antenna that would power not only a range of wearable devices, but perhaps larger electronics as well. Another breakthrough that researchers have promised…is the possibility of 6G telecommunication Visible Light Communication (VLC). It is similar to a wireless version of fiber optics, which uses flashes of light to transmit information.

Ji Xiong, Professor of Information and Computer Science at the University of Massachusetts, is the senior author of this research paper. He described VLC as ‘quite simple and interesting’. Professor Xiong added, ‘Instead of using radio signals to send information wirelessly, it uses light from LEDs that can switch on and off up to a million times per second.’

According to him, VLC is such an infrastructure that is already present everywhere. People’s homes, vehicles, street lights and even offices… all places are lit by LED bulbs. It can also transmit data. “Anything with a camera, like our smartphone, tablet or laptop, can act as a receiver,” Xiong said.

Tags: 6G, Technology


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