September 20, 2024


Washington. Amid growing tension with China over a suspected spy balloon, US President Joe Biden said that steps would be taken in self-defense if China poses a threat to America’s sovereignty. Biden said in his ‘State of the Union’ address on Tuesday night, ‘I am committed to working with China where it can advance American interests and benefit the world. However, leave no doubt, we made it clear last week itself that if China poses a threat to our sovereignty, we will take action to defend our country.

The US military shot down a suspected Chinese spy balloon over the Atlantic Ocean last week. Reacting strongly to this action, China said on Tuesday that it would ‘resolutely defend its legitimate rights and interests’ in this matter. The US has accused China of violating American sovereignty and international law. Biden’s statement this time revolved around ‘unity’. He said that autocracy has reduced in his two years of administration.

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This time during the annual address, the scene was different from the last two years, because the Republicans have secured a majority in the House of Representatives in the mid-term elections. The President said, ‘America is uniting the world again to face a range of challenges, from climate and global health to food insecurity, terrorism and regional aggression.’ He said, ‘Allies are increasing, taking more action. Bridges are being built between partners in the Pacific and the Atlantic. The people who go against America are finding out how wrong they are. It is never right to go against America.

Biden mentioned China several times in his speech. He said that before he took over as President, the story was how China was increasing its power and America was lagging behind in the world. Biden said amidst thunderous applause, ‘It is not so now. I have made it clear to President Xi (Jinping) that we want competition, not conflict.

Explainer: What are spy balloons, why are they used, how are they monitored?

He said, ‘I have no regrets that we are investing in making America stronger. American innovation, investing in industries that will define the future and where the Chinese government seeks to dominate. Investing in our alliances and working with our allies to protect our advanced technologies so they cannot be used against us.

He said, ‘Our army is being modernized to protect stability and prevent aggression. Today we are in a much stronger position than we were in the last several decades to compete with China or anyone else in the world.

Tags: China, Joe Biden, United States, Xi Jinping


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