September 20, 2024


There are many countries in the world where animals are treated so badly that when you come to know, your soul will tremble. Somewhere the festival of burning dogs is celebrated, and somewhere bulls and vultures are made to fight for their own entertainment and their lives are taken. But in many places animals are taken special care of. Here different rules and regulations are made for their protection (Animal welfare laws). One such place is in Florida (Florida animal laws) where there are many types of laws for the care of animals but they are very strange to hear.

According to the report of the Daily Star News website, a strange law regarding dogs is being made in the state of Florida (USA). If this law is passed, then no dog will be able to travel here by sticking its head out of the car window. Many laws have been made in Florida for the care and protection of animals. Before telling more about this new law of dogs, know what is the rule regarding horses here.

dog sticking head out of car window 1

Apart from taking out the dog’s head, driving while sitting on the lap can also be banned. (Representational photo: Canva)

There is a provision of hanging for stealing horses
In Florida, there is a provision of death penalty for stealing a horse by hanging (Horse stealing law Florida). Capital punishment is mentioned in the statute books, however, it is no longer enforced. Instead of this, now the criminals may have to pay 5 years of imprisonment or a fine of Rs 4 lakh. In the bill SB 932 related to the care of animals, apart from dogs, laws have also been made on matters like cutting the nails of cats, selling rabbits before Easter, etc.

Can’t drive even with dogs sitting on your lap
Not only this, under this bill people who torture animals will be detected and registered and they will be banned from buying animals or selling them to anyone else. People who have been caught doing obscene acts with animals will also be banned. Under this bill, now no driver will be able to drive a car with dogs sitting on his lap, nor will he be able to travel by taking them on the roof of the car. A dog’s eyes are at risk if he sticks his head out of the car window. Due to the strong wind, there is a fear of getting pebbles and stones in their eyes along with kidneys. There is a lot of danger if the dog’s ear is also taken out of the head. What punishment will be given to people in such a situation, it is not decided, but one thing has been made clear that if someone’s dog is caught doing this, then he will be severely punished. Now when there is strict punishment in the case of horses, the same strictness will be taken in the case of dogs.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, Trending news, Weird news


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