September 20, 2024


Every country in the world has its own official languages, national flag, official script, symbol, national bird etc. But there are some countries where not only at the national level, but also at the state level many official things are elected. Take America only, here every state has its own official symbols which are associated with the special things of that state. The states also have their own songs, birds, colours, creatures on which the people living in those states are proud. But now a state of America, taking a step forward, is going to choose not only the official language and symbol, but also the official smell of the country.

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New Mexico will become the first US state to have its own official scent. (Representational photo: Canva)

According to the report of the Audi News website, a new bill is going to be passed in the US state of New Mexico (USA), which if passed, will also choose its official smell. That is, there will be a special smell of this state, which will be considered as the official smell of this state. After the law is made, New Mexico will be the first place not only in America but in the whole world to have its own official smell.

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New Mexico is a major producer of green chilies. (Representational photo: Canva)

This will be the official smell
Now the question arises that what will be this smell which will be considered as the official smell of this place. Green chilies are produced in large quantities in New Mexico. For this reason only the smell of roasting of green chillies will be declared as the official smell here. When chillies are roasted, many people sneeze a lot because of the fumes coming out of it. Aroma Bill i.e. Bill 188 has been proposed by State Senator Williams Soules. He and the Legislative Finance Committee believe that after electing Mehak, the number of tourists will increase here. A complete report has been prepared for this.

There are more official things in New Mexico
It has been told in this report that the tourist season continues from March to October and during this time the smell of green chillies is also very high. By the way, there are already many such marks or symbols of New Mexico which are quite peculiar in themselves. New Mexico has its own state song as well as an official tie-in. Not only this, the official question of this state is also, ‘Red or Green?’ Actually, whoever orders food in a restaurant in New Mexico, the restaurant workers definitely ask this question which is related to chillies.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, Trending news, Weird news


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