September 20, 2024



US city of Seattle bans caste discrimination.
This is the first city in America to bring such a law.
Earlier, many universities have adopted such a policy.

Washington. At present, there is a debate in America about Caste Discrimination. In Seattle City Council, Hindu leader Kshama Sawant introduced an ordinance to ban caste-based discrimination in the city, which was voted on on Tuesday and it was passed. Seattle has become the first US city to ban racial discrimination.

According to the news agency AP, there was a heated debate between the Indian-Americans regarding the prohibition of caste discrimination in the Sadan i.e. City Council. City Council members voted on various sides of the issue as activists and organizers. Earlier, more than 100 people had requested to be allowed to speak in the meeting. Because many workers were waiting for their chance to talk to the council before voting.

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Only Indian in Seattle City Council American Council member Kshama Sawant said the ordinance does not single out a community. He further pointed out that in the past three years many college and university systems in the United States have taken steps to prohibit racial discrimination. Let us tell you that the opposition to this ordinance came from groups like the Hindu American Foundation and the Hindu Alliance of North America. They argue that codifying caste in public policy will increase cases of Hinduphobia (a feeling of hatred and fear against Hindus) in America.

In December 2019, Brandeis University became the first US college to include race in its non-discrimination policy, and the California State University System, Colby College, Brown University and the University of California, Davis all adopted similar measures. At the same time, Harvard University has also included caste protection for student workers in the year 2021 as part of its contract with its graduate student union.

Tags: America News, Casteist


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