September 20, 2024


Even a year after the start of the Ukraine War, let alone its end, there is no seriousness in the efforts to stop it. In the name of achievement, we can only say that this war has not spread beyond Ukraine. Due to the war, the problems of crude oil, edible oil and wheat have increased in the world. The food crisis of the world has deepened. It is being told that the war is going to be more gruesome in the coming times. Venkatesh Verma, who has worked for a long time in India’s Foreign Service and is a special DB of Russian affairs, says that the Russia-Ukraine war is actually a war between Western countries. ) and Russia (Russia) and Ukraine is only its ground.

what has changed in a year

The war is bound to become more intense in the coming times because gradually the contribution of the western countries in this war has started to emerge more openly. In an interview given to Moneycontrol, Verma told that Russia has taken a lot of lessons during this period and has also worked on them, but Ukraine’s position has not become stronger if not weaker.

who is strong and who is weak

According to Verma, even though Russia may not have completely dominated Ukraine in this war or it may not have been allowed to happen and even though Russia does not appear to be occupying Ukraine, but now Ukraine is more in loss whereas Russia is in loss. Can recover and is recovering but Ukraine’s dependence on the West is increasing.

Russia vs America only?

Initially this war may appear to be a dispute between Russia and Ukraine, but the truth is that since the beginning, Ukraine was at war with American proxy forces. Now it has become a full-fledged Russo-American proxy war. The battleground is Ukraine. But it will have very deep implications at the global level. And it will also affect the ability of the American to work on the strategy against China in the Indo-Pacific region.

Russia Ukraine War, Russia, Ukraine, West, USA, NATO, Europe, European Union, Research, Russia-US Proxy War

It is becoming clear that this war has turned into Russia vs America Proxy War. (Representational photo: shutterstock)

supply of arms

The increase in the supply of arms to Ukraine is a big sign. This will only serve to prolong the war, which is not a good thing for either side. Right now no one is ready to adjust the interests of the other with their own interests. No one will be ready to negotiate until he is in a much better position.

Read also: Why did Russia attack France by mentioning Napoleon?

america is serious

One thing to note here is that the sudden presence of US President Joe Biden in Ukraine has given a big message to the world. Biden has not only boosted the morale of Ukraine, but has also tried to give a strong message to his opponents in America that America is very serious about the Ukraine issue.

Russia Ukraine War, Russia, Ukraine, West, USA, NATO, Europe, European Union, Research, Russia-US Proxy War

In recent times, America’s interference in Ukraine has increased, which is clearly visible from the visit of US President Joe Biden to Ukraine. (Representational photo: Wikimedia Commons)

role of nato

Europe is a big party in this matter, but that means most of Europe is tied with NATO. The situation has reached such a point that now the role of NATO will not be very big because if there is a dispute in Europe on the continuation of the war, then America itself will come forward and put NATO behind, which seems to be happening because this war is now America’s responsibility. The question of nose is becoming and NATO’s name may be behind.

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The geopolitical situation is undoubtedly changing and there is a big challenge for America as well. He will have to keep Europe with him and also convince the rest of the world that the war is not for his expansionist policy but for the world order. But the biggest problem is that the efforts to stop China are diverting its attention, which can benefit China. But China itself is entangled in many problems of its own. At the same time, India will also have to keep a close watch on the changing situation for its own interests.


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