September 20, 2024



Police in America has solved a 52 year old murder case.
A cigarette butt was found near the body.
After committing the murder, the killer had smoked a cigarette and thrown the cigarette butt there.

New Delhi: The habit of smoking cigarettes is fatal. We all know this, but have you ever thought that with the help of cigarettes, a case can be solved, that too a murder case. This is an incident that could be perfect for a murder mystery film. Recently, a murder mystery has been solved by the police in America after 52 years. That too from a used cigarette butt.

According to NBC News, a 24-year-old Vermont school teacher’s murder case was actually going on in America. This was a 52 year old case. Police found used cigarette butts near the body. Due to the DNA sample found on the cigarette butt, the police solved this case after 52 years. With the help of this cigarette, the police were able to reach Rita Curran’s killer neighbor. Who strangled him to death.

Rita was found dead by roommates in her apartment on July 19, 1971. The man identified as the killer, William DeRussy, lived with his wife two floors above Rita’s apartment. But at that time he was never considered a suspect. Commander Jim Tribe of the Police Department’s Detective Services Bureau has said that ‘Deruce and his wife Michelle gave an excuse saying that they were at home the night of the murder but had not heard or seen anything’.

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After this the case went cold, but in the year 1971, the officers investigating the case had obtained a piece of cigarette butt as evidence. Who solved the mystery of this murder mystery today. After committing the murder, the killer left his wife and fled to Thailand to become a Buddhist monk. He returned to America in the year 1974 and was living in San Francisco. Later he consumed drugs in the year 1989 and died in a hotel in San Francisco.

However, in 2014 the cigarette was submitted for DNA processing. A DNA test found that a sample on the jacket Rita was wearing on the day of the murder matched with Derus’s DNA. Fifty years after the murder, investigators tracked down William DeRusse’s wife, Michelle, to ask some more questions about the case. Detective-Lieutenant James Tribe said, ‘He gave us an interesting statement. Michelle said that her husband had gone out of the apartment the night of the murder to ‘walk to cool down’ after the fight. He also instructed her that if the police asked her about that night again, she would lie.

Tags: America, Crime News


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