September 20, 2024



The ongoing war in Ukraine is not expected to end even after a year.
At the end of the war, the western countries and the rest of the world seem to be divided.
The world is also divided on why Western countries are supporting Ukraine.

On completion of one year of the Russia-Ukraine War, many analyzes have been done about it. Whatever may be their conclusions, one thing is clear that the chances of ending the war are showing more and more signs of moving away and getting gruesome. But what do the people of the world want on this issue? In an opinion poll conducted in Asia, Europe and America, it has been found that different countries have different views on this (Countries are divided on War). It can be clearly seen that the countries of the world see this issue through different glasses. But it is also necessary to see why there is such a difference in views and whether it will have any effect on the war, or on any side of it.

who did the survey
Regarding the war that started on February 24 last year, the jury of the survey could not conclude whether the Russia-Ukraine war should end or not. In this survey of European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) and Oxford University, opinion was taken from people of 9 countries of European Union including Russia UK, Turkey, India, China, America.

Opinion is divided
In this survey, while people of Turkey, India, and China want that the war should end even if Ukraine loses some of its territory, on the other hand people of America, Western Europe are of the opinion that this war should not end without Ukraine winning. Even if the war lasts longer and more Ukrainians have to sacrifice themselves for this.

“West and the Rest”
Since the start of the war, today America and its European allies are seen more united and focused, whereas a year ago, confusion and disagreement were clearly visible in many issues. It has been told in the report that there is a huge difference between the “West and the Rest” ie the West and the rest of the world.

World, Russia Ukraine War, USA, Asia, Europe, India, China Russia, UK, Research,

People of Europe and America i.e. NATO (NATO) countries want victory of Ukraine in the war at any cost. (Representational photo: shutterstock)

differences of opinion
There is a difference of opinion among the people of the world, that is, the countries that participated in the survey, that they want to see the result of this war in some form. People also have different understanding on why Europe and America are supporting Ukraine. In this opinion poll, questions were asked to 19765 people from these countries.

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What do the people of Europe and America want?
Along with the governments of European countries, the people there also feel that the only way to stop the war is to win the war (by Ukraine). Similarly, the American people believe that if peace is to be maintained for a long time, Ukraine must regain its lost territories. But the people of Asian countries do not have such views.

World, Russia Ukraine War, USA, Asia, Europe, India, China Russia, UK, Research,

The people of India and China consider Russia as their partner and ally. (Representational photo: shutterstock)

war must end
In Asia, 42 percent of Chinese people feel that the war in Ukraine should end even if Ukraine has to hand over some of its territory to Russia. On the other hand, this desire is more in India and Turkey. 54 percent of Indians and 48 percent of Turkish people want that the war should end.

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At the same time, there is disagreement between the western countries and the countries of Asia regarding Russia. Where 79 percent of the Chinese consider Russia as their partner and want their country’s cooperation with Russia to continue, while the people of Turkey and India also have a similar opinion, while in both of them more Indians consider Russia as their friend. But 70 percent of Americans and European Union people consider Russia as their opponent or enemy.

Tags: Asia, Europe, India, Russia ukraine war, USA, World


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