September 20, 2024


Tehran: Iran once again reminded former US President Donald Trump that it is still making full preparations to avenge the assassination of its top commander Qasim Sulemani. An Iranian general has warned of revenge for the killing of Qasim Sulemani. He said that apart from former US President Donald Trump, his foreign minister Mike Pompeo is also on our target. In January 2020, Qassem Soleimani, the head of foreign operations of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, was killed in a US drone strike at Baghdad airport. Tehran has repeatedly vowed to avenge his murder.

Guards Aerospace unit commander General Amirali Hajizadeh said in an Iranian television interview, ‘We hope we can kill Trump, Pompeo, McKenzie (former US general) and the military commanders who ordered the killing of Soleimani.’ In view of American interests, Trump got several strikes done in Iraq and blamed Iran. A few days later, Iran retaliated by firing missiles at a US airbase in Iraq that had US troops. No one was killed in this attack, but Washington said that dozens of people were mentally injured.

Iran has developed a new cruise missile to kill Trump and Pompeo. The United States and its allies have expressed concern over Iran’s ballistic missile program. In his televised remarks, Hajizadeh said Iran was ‘now capable of hitting US ships at a range of 2,000 kilometers (1,243 miles).’ The Iranian general said, ‘We have set this limit of 2,000 kilometers for the respect of the European people.

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Hajizadeh told state TV, ‘Our cruise missile with a range of 1650 km has been included in the missile stockpile of the Islamic Republic of Iran.’ The television channel has also aired footage of Iran’s new Paveh cruise missile being tested.

Tags: America, Donald Trump, Iran


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