September 20, 2024



China has alleged that America’s attitude towards it is distorted.
The allegation comes during China’s defense of Russia’s relationship and its position on Ukraine.
China says that if America does not change, efforts to improve relations will fail.

Recently, Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang has said that America should change its ‘distorted’ attitude towards China, otherwise the conflict will be certain. This statement by the Chinese Foreign Minister was given in connection with defending China’s position on Russia-China relations and the Ukraine crisis. Gang says that the US is engaged in a policy of suppressing and limiting China, while it should work on a policy of fair, rule-based competition. But a big question is whether according to this statement of China, American’s policies towards China are really oppressive and encircling or China is playing a victim card.

statements cannot be taken lightly
Quinn’s statement cannot be taken lightly as he is one of the confidants of Chinese President Xi Jinping. Secondly, he has been the Chinese ambassador to America till recent times. That is, it can be assumed that Gang’s statement is the statement of China only. He said that America’s attitude towards China is seriously distorted, it sees China as the main enemy and the biggest geopolitical challenge.

mistake from the start
Gang says it’s as if “you put on the wrong button on the first shirt.” This year, the tension between the two increased further when a Chinese balloon was seen on the west coast of America and the US shot it down, calling it a spy balloon.

Is China playing the victim card?
The question is whether there is any substance in China’s allegations or whether it is playing the victim card to justify or hide its mistakes. Does China want to say that it has not been making attempts at technical espionage in the US or that its claim on Taiwan is not wrong or that the US is adopting unfair trade practices in that unfair way?

World US, China, Taiwan, Space, Research, Russia, China Russia Relation, US china Ties, Russia Ukraine War, Asia

Chinese Foreign Minister Qian Gang has repeated such allegations on America. (Representational photo: Wikimedia Commons)

Attempt to silence China?
China has been alleging that America really does not want China to move forward because China’s growing economic power will reduce America’s supremacy in the world. While America says that it is making every effort to improve relations, China says that America only wants China not to respond to anything or action of America whenever it is criticized or criticized. any kind of attack.

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Who will be responsible?
It is worth noting that such allegations of China are not new. He said that if America does not change or stop this attitude, then any efforts to improve relations will not work. And its result will only turn into conflict and who will be responsible for its dire consequences?

World US, China, Taiwan, Space, Research, Russia, China Russia Relation, US china Ties, Russia Ukraine War, Asia

China says that America is not tolerating China’s growing economic power. (Representational photo: shutterstock)

What did America answer
In America, White House National Security spokesman John Kirby rejects these allegations outright, saying that America does not intend to clash with China. He says that America wants strategic competition with China, not a dispute. He said that the goal of America is to compete and it wants to win the competition from China and wants to keep it completely at the same level.

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China says that competition is fine if it is healthy. But if there is an attempt to paralyze the neighbor and make him a Paralympic competitor, then it is not right. Answering the already given questions in the press conference, Quinn said that China has to work on the policy of protecting itself from the attack of wolves. He also said that an invisible hand is trying to escalate the war in Ukraine.

Tags: China, International news, US, USA, World


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