September 20, 2024


New York. Now the corona virus has started spreading in the rats of New York City in America. This sensational revelation has been revealed in a recent study. Let us tell you that there are estimated to be about 8 million rats in New York City and a study released in an open-access journal of Ambio-American for Microbiology states that the rats of New York can be infected with three covid variants.

It has been said in this study that the possibility of these infected rats coming in contact with humans is very high. Along with this, it has been warned that it can bring back memories of the Black Death (plague). That virus also spread to humans through rats and between the years 1347 to 1351, it caused great devastation in Europe.

However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has clarified that the possibility of coronavirus spreading from animals to humans is extremely rare.

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Principal investigator of the study Dr. Henry Wan said that this new study emphasizes the need for further investigation before reaching any conclusion. Dr. Henry Van, director of the Center for Influenza and Emerging Infectious Diseases at the University of Missouri, said, “The exposure of the virus to the mouse population is important to determine if the virus is spreading among animals and evolving into new strains.” Which can pose a threat to humans.

Earlier studies in mice in Hong Kong and Belgium also found that they had been exposed to the virus associated with Covid, although the studies were inconclusive regarding the variant. The researchers said that they conducted virological studies and genome sequencing of samples taken from 79 mice. The researchers found that out of these 79 mice, 13 were confirmed to have Covid.

Overall, our work in this area suggests that animals can play a role in pandemics affecting humans and it is important that we continue to increase our understanding, so that we can protect both human and animal health, the researchers said. Can do.

Tags: Coronavirus, COVID 19


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