September 20, 2024


Washington. From the 9/11 terrorist attack on America to the global recession, climate crisis, AIDS epidemic, Donald Trump becoming the President, many predictions were made on disasters like Corona infection epidemic. Different people had warned and made predictions about all these in the past. The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was already alerted about Osama bin Laden regarding the 9/11 terrorist attack on America in 2001. if this Prediction If the (Predicted Disasters) or warning were seriously considered, perhaps it could have been prevented. Big disclosure about this Lebanese-American himself FBI Ali Soufan, who was an agent, did it. Ali Soufan was 29 years old in October 2000.

According to a report published in ‘The Guardian’, in October 2000, 29-year-old Lebanese-American FBI agent Ali Soufan revealed that he heard a pager beep while crossing the Brooklyn Bridge. Ali Soufan says a fishing boat more than 7,000 miles off the coast of Yemen was pierced by suicide bombers next to the USS Cole. 17 American sailors were killed in this.

At that time, John O’Neill, head of the FBI’s National Security Division, called Soufan into his office and entrusted him with the investigation. Al-Qaeda Was warned about the danger given to America by.

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Soufan says it all started for me in 1997 when I wrote a memo to the FBI warning them about this man, Osama bin Laden. It became a very special document when the East African Embassy was bombed in 1998.

A team led by Soufan and O’Neill went directly to Yemen, where they quickly established links between the USS Cole attack, al-Qaeda and the US embassy bombings in Tanzania and Nairobi, which killed more than 200 people.

Soufan said that the Al Qaeda attack could have been prevented. The CIA had hidden many such information which could have exposed the 9/11 conspiracy. Working without sleep for several days, Soufan interrogates one of the USS Cole conspirators, who mentions a jihadist who knew one of the 9/11 hijackers and was involved in the Yemen attack. After several days of questioning, Soufan got the man to identify the terrorists.

Soufan left the FBI in 2005. In his early 50s, he now runs the Soufan Group, a global security consultancy. He has warned about the emerging dangers in the world. But perhaps they were not paid attention to and now attention should be paid to them. He also predicted that I was convinced that we would have to deal with an epidemic, and we were not prepared for it.

Robin Marantz Hennig on Covid
Not only this, in 1990, Robin Marantz Hennig had predicted about the corona infection epidemic that wreaked havoc in the world. Hennig started researching a book about the virus. A year ago, more than 200 virologists gathered at a conference in Washington DC to reflect on future threats and combat complacency. The conference seemed to be about the possible emergence of a virus that could cross oceans and cause a pandemic.

Hennig recalled the early AIDS scare, first seen in 1981 in New York City, where his brother was working as a doctor at the time. Hennig was 29 in 1983 and already a prolific science writer. A magazine feature about AIDS was also published in The New York Times. So a few weeks ago scientists identified HIV as the virus behind it so my editors said, ‘Okay, now we’re going to put you on the AIDS beat and you’re going to find out which The lab is going to fix it, and we will do a ground report there. Hennig is now 69 and living in New York. It took about 10 years to prevent AIDS deaths.

In his book A Dancing Matrix, published in 1993, he also mentioned the epidemic like corona infection. The proximity of the growing human population to wildlife including bats and rodents was ringing alarm bells. He also says that I was convinced that an epidemic was going to happen in the future, and we were not prepared for it. A year later, Richard Preston’s ‘The Hot Zone’ and Laurie Garrett’s ‘The Coming Plague’ were best selling books with similar themes.

When the coronavirus pandemic hit in early 2020, my daughter asked me how does it feel to see it and know that you predicted it? That was what we were living now.

Alan Lichtman on Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 US election
Not only this, predictions were also made about Donald Trump, who won the 2016 US presidential election. Alan Lichtman had predicted about this. Donald Trump sent a congratulatory message on this to Lichtman. It was sent in a sealed envelope. Posting it to Lichtman, Trump wrote in thick marker pen: Professor – Congratulations – Good call – Donald Trump. 75-year-old Lichtman has been a professor at the American University. Since 1984, he has been known as a prophet who made accurate predictions regarding the US presidential elections. But in 2020, he did not get any congratulatory message from Joe Biden.

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Leon Charles on the climate crisis
Leon Charles also gave many warnings on the climate crisis. Leon Charles worked as a geography teacher in the Caribbean island of Grenada in the 1990s. He was also born in Granada. They followed weather patterns and tracked storms which were a matter of great concern. They say that the time of seasons was changing. In some places, people point to a place in the sea and tell that it was land 20 years ago.

Charles, 65, has been tasked with coordinating Grenada’s role in the United Nations’ Framework Convention on Climate Change. The most recent annual meeting was Cop27 in 2022. He introduced the scientific literature and the initial reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He says that after all the warnings and scientific predictions, the world has failed to take adequate action to deal with the climate crisis. He also said that most of the developed world did not take us seriously.

Tags: 9/11, Al Qaeda terrorist organization, FBI, Osama bin Laden, Predictions, World news in hindi


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