September 20, 2024


Love stories are very nice to listen to, as long as they do not disturb anyone. Sometimes stories make one uncomfortable, such is the story of an American couple (American cousins ​​become lovers). Both fell in love, got married, had a child….but the uncomfortable thing is that both are brothers and sisters! In a country like India, where brother-sister relationship is considered a sacred and beautiful relationship, people abroad have spoiled this relationship.

According to the report of the Daily Star News website, Michael Lee and Angela Paeng, residents of Utah, USA, were cousins. Both were each other’s first cousins ​​(children of uncle-aunt, maternal uncle-aunt, aunt-aunt, aunt-aunt). Of course, this relationship was very close, but both fell in love with each other. Both had also appeared on Amazon Prime’s Extreme Love Show in which they told about their life.

both fell in love
Both of them grew up playing together since childhood and both had developed good friendship from an early age. They had also fallen in love with each other till they were young, but when the family came to know about it, they separated Michael and Angela from each other. Both did not meet each other for years. Their marriages were also done with different people, but unfortunately both the marriages broke up after 10 years. Years later, when they met again at a family function, they realized that their love for each other was alive. They started dating secretly.

Obscene photo posted on family group
After dating, they realized that the family also needs to be told about this relationship. Then he took a very strange decision. To disclose this news, he posted a picture of himself kissing in the family group on Facebook. On seeing him, the family members lost their senses and had to pay for their take! That is because he thought that people would agree, but no one agreed to that relationship. Many people even stopped talking to him. Despite the situation being opposite, both got married and in 2020 they also had a child. However, Michael died in 2021 and now Angela is a single mother.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, Trending news, Weird news


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