September 20, 2024



Finland has now become the 31st member of NATO.
It is considered a big blow for Russia.
Due to this, there will not be much effect on the Russia-Ukraine war.

Eventually Finland formally became a member of the NATO group. Now Finland has become the 31st member of this military security alliance. And with this, the length of the NATO border with Russia has also doubled. Western countries are presenting it as a major achievement for NATO, while Russian President Vladimir Putin has expressed displeasure over it. On the other hand, experts are considering it as a big blow for Russia. The question arises whether this is really a threat to Russia as Putin claims. Many such questions are arising.

there are more questions
By the way, Finland has said that this alliance has not been done to create any threat against Russia. But it also raises many more questions in terms of the Ukraine crisis. Will the western countries be able to restrain Putin in any way by this or will it further fuel the fire of war and the world will come closer to the world war.

Putin’s objection
Putin had repeatedly expressed strong objection to the expansion of NATO even before the war in Ukraine and called it a threat to Russia’s existence. It cannot be denied that the root cause of the Ukraine crisis is the expansion of NATO. In this case, the western country is trying to prove Russia to be trying to impose itself on the European countries.

western argument
America and European countries have their own arguments. According to the BBC, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Finland joining NATO, “By attacking a neighboring country, the Russian leader has created the very situation we are trying to avoid.” The US says it and other NATO countries are fighting to protect Ukraine’s democracy and sovereignty.

World, USA, Russia, Europe, NATO, Russia Ukraine War, Research, Finland, Finland joining NATO, Ukraine, International news,

At the same time, Russia says that it was forced to attack Ukraine so that it could ensure its security, but it did not have disputes with Helsinki like Ukraine. Meanwhile, Russia has not seen any change in its activity regarding the Ukraine war. He is deploying his weapons in Belarus. NATO itself also believes that this has not changed Russia’s attitude. (Representational photo: shutterstock)

Can’t leave Ukraine alone
Western countries say that if Ukraine is left alone, Russia and many powerful countries will get a chance to occupy their neighboring small countries as China wants to do with Taiwan. At the same time, western countries are also taking precautions that this war should not turn into a world war.

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challenge for NATO
On the other hand, Russian spokesman Dmitry Peskov has warned that Russia will closely monitor what happens in Finland and that NATO’s expansion is a violation of their security and national interests. Finland has 30 thousand military capacity but now it will be a challenge for NATO to protect Finland’s border against Russia. At the same time, apart from Finland, Sweden has also applied for NATO membership, but that process is still stuck.

World, USA, Russia, Europe, NATO, Russia Ukraine War, Research, Finland, Finland joining NATO, Ukraine, International news,

This move of NATO is not showing any effect in the Russia-Ukraine war. (Representational photo: shutterstock)

too early to say
It is too early to expect this incident to have any immediate impact on Russia and Ukraine. But at present, there has definitely been a new temper in the rhetoric. If seen geostrategically, even though NATO has become stronger in Europe, European countries have been reluctant to provoke Russia. For this reason, Finland also had to say separately that this alliance is not against Russia.

Read also: How Finland overcame people’s greed for money

At the same time, Russia says that it was forced to attack Ukraine so that it could ensure its security, but it did not have disputes with Helsinki like Ukraine. Meanwhile, Russia has not seen any change in its activity regarding the Ukraine war. He is deploying his weapons in Belarus. NATO itself also believes that this has not changed Russia’s attitude.

Tags: Europe, NATO, Research, Russia, Russia ukraine war, USA, World


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