September 20, 2024



The first two confirmed cases came to light, in which the Kovid virus caused brain damage to babies in the womb.
The doctors had already suspected that this was possible.
Till now no evidence of Kovid-19 was found in the placenta of the mother or in the brain of the baby.

Chicago. Researchers at the University of Miami reported that there have been the first two confirmed cases in which the Kovid virus crossed a mother’s placenta and caused brain damage in infants. The doctors had already suspected that this was possible. But till now no evidence of Kovid-19 (COVID-19) was found in the placenta of the mother or in the brain of the baby. The mothers who gave birth to these two children were found to be corona infected at the peak of the delta wave of the pandemic in 2020 before vaccines were available. This case study is published in the journal Pediatrics.

Several viruses, including cytomegalovirus, rubella, HIV and Zika, are known to be capable of crossing the maternal placenta and causing fetal brain damage. The Kovid-19 virus has also been found in the brain tissue of adults. Some experts already suspected that it could also damage fetal brain tissue. But no solid proof of this was found till now. Dr. Michael Pedas, chair of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Miami, said that this is the first time we have been able to uncover evidence of covid virus reaching a fetal organ through the transplacental route. That’s why it is very important.

Bad effect of Corona period on children! In the NCEE survey, 70-80% parents believed that their children have forgotten what they were taught.

newborns whose brains COVID-19 virus He was damaged, he used to have seizures from the first day of life. However, unlike the effect of Zika virus, these children were not born with microcephaly. Microcephaly is a condition in which babies have small heads. Instead, these babies developed microcephaly over time, the research team said, because their brains stopped growing at a normal rate. Severe developmental delay was observed in both the children. The research team said that one of the children died at the age of 13 months and the other is in the hospital. The mother of one of these children had only mild symptoms and the child was born at full term. While the other mother was so sick that the doctors had to give birth to the child at 32 weeks of pregnancy.

Tags: COVID 19, Covid in Kids, Covid Vaccination, Covid-19 latest news


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