September 20, 2024


World Health Organization Steve McFeely, Director for Data and Analytics at WHO, while addressing the event held in New York from Geneva, said that responsible data will be needed to use artificial intelligence responsibly.

He believes that AI for social justice will require good quality free data.

The director at the UN health agency stressed that data is the fuel on which AI operates. And here data does not mean only data but also pictures, written words and sounds.

He cautioned that in the absence of a global data governance and access regime, existing prejudices, inequalities and discrimination will flourish.

India’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Ruchira Kamboj said in her address that the mid-term review of the Sustainable Development Goals is to be held in September 2023, in view of which the theme of the program is very relevant.

Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations organizes a symposium on the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in achieving social justice and SDGs in New York (14 April 2023)

Permanent Mission of India to the UN

key to sustainable development

Ambassador Ruchira Kamboj said that it is time to strengthen the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to ensure social and economic progress for all.

He mentioned the use of AI in agriculture, health care, education and other sectors for social empowerment in India.

For example, the Government of India has developed AI algorithms in agriculture, through which news related to agriculture is shared. This helps farmers to take better informed decisions for their crops and it is possible to reduce losses.

At the same time, through AI in health care, disease diagnosis and treatment facilities are being provided in those areas where there is a lack of health facilities.

Many benefits, but vigilance is necessary

International Telecommunication Union in the United Nations (THAT)’s representative Ursula Vinhoven, underlining the benefits inherent in the use of AI, said that through this information related to poverty can be collected from space and natural disasters can be predicted.

In addition, with the help of a smartphone, it is possible to detect diabetes and skin cancer, provide educational support as needed and reduce road accidents.

Every day, there are countless possibilities associated with the use of AI, but it is also important to maintain caution, as it can lead to job losses, energy consumption, bias in decision-making, and the widening of digital divides, among other risks, he added Are.


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