September 20, 2024


UN Secretary General António Guterres took the opportunity to point out that the gathering is being held at a very special moment: the last Friday of Ramadan, at the same time that Christians celebrate Easter, Jews celebrate Passover, and Sikhs celebrate Vaisakhi.

He said, “The calendar is also giving the message of unity.”

“Today, in this blessed moment of renewal among different religions, let us lift up our hearts and our voices for peace – which is our guiding star and our most treasured goal.”

unprecedented moment

António Guterres said that peace is needed today more than at any time in the past, because war and conflict have given rise to devastating poverty and hunger, leaving hundreds of millions of people homeless.

“The entire planet is at war with climate upheaval, and even peaceful countries face wide-ranging inequalities and political polarisation,” he said.

“Let us hold fast to the shared faith that binds the human family together,” said the UN chief.

“Come, let us come together as communities and as nations. Come, let us pray for peace.”

confluence of different religions

The ceremony took place in the auditorium of the UN Secretariat, the prestigious Knotted Gun It was held in front of the sculpture, which has become a symbol of the organization’s commitment to global peace.

Attendees for the event included UN staff, members of the diplomatic community and visitors to the UN Headquarters, among others.

Representatives of major religions led prayers, and a few moments of silence were observed, including those from secular backgrounds and in memory of those in vulnerable circumstances affected by wars around the world.

live in harmony

In closing remarks, the High Representative of the UN Alliance for Civilizations (UNAOC), Miguel Ángel Moratinos, defined the ceremony as a beautiful moment of harmony, especially in these difficult times that challenge all of humanity.

He said that this alliance promotes understanding and cooperation between different cultures.

High Representative Miguel Angel Moratinos underscored continued support for efforts that build bridges of understanding, not walls of hatred and division.

celebrate unity power

Dr. Simran Jeet Singh, a Sikh representative at the event and executive director of the Religion and Society Program at the Aspen Institute, an international non-governmental organization, said that the fact that people of different faiths came together for the sake of peace is a victory for humanity. Provides powerful lessons.

He said, “Too often in our society, we use religion to divide each other individually and as communities, and we feel the pain of that all over the world.”

Dr. Simran Jeet Singh said, “What I love about the idea of ​​this coming together during the holidays is that so many communities are celebrating; They reflect the qualities we share and all that unites us.”


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