September 20, 2024


In the 21st century, the meaning of relationships has changed a lot. The relationships that have been going on since the old times have been changed. Although many relationships used to be different even in the society thousands of years ago, like many wives of a man or many husbands of a woman, but in today’s society such relationships are considered bad. This is the reason why when Britain got involved with a woman, American husband-wife, as a Throuple relationship, everyone’s eyebrows were raised. But it doesn’t matter to him and all three of them live happily together (Woman fell in love with husband-wife).

According to the report of The Sun website, Georgia Grainger, who lives in Dundee, Scotland, is 27 years old. In October 2020, their conversation started online with a husband and wife living in America. Private investigator Clay is 40 years old and his wife, therapist April, is 39 years old. Both are about 13 years older than Georgia. The couple lived in Oklahoma, USA with their two children. They were in a close relationship, that is, there was no scope for any third person to come in between.

Woman sitting in love with husband and wife 13 years older
After living in such a marriage for 10 years, when the husband and wife had a conversation with Georgia, then there was a big change in their life. When the conversation progressed, in the year 2021, the husband and wife went to Scotland to meet Georgia and then Georgia also reached America to meet her. After this all three have decided that they have started liking each other and now the time has come for the third person i.e. Georgia to enter between husband and wife. Then both of them became thrupal (3 people in a relationship) from couple.

Couple shifted to Scotland for Georgia
Georgia’s family had no objection to this relationship. Georgia says that people think they are in a relationship only because of Clay, but it is not so. He is also in love with April. He also said that many times people feel that all three of them are doing this just to increase the thrill in life, but all three of them are ready to bear the responsibility of the children as well, which is the biggest thing. Georgia was most happy when both her partners, i.e. Clay and April, shifted to Scotland with their children. All three now live together under one roof and make sure that in any aspect of life, the third does not feel lonely because of the two.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, Trending news, Weird news


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