September 20, 2024



Trump gets punishment after 27 years in rape case with American female journalist, will have to pay compensation of 41 crores
The case was opened under a special law, it was proved that Trump had sexually abused
This sentence will not affect Trump’s presidential election nor will he go to jail.

This matter is of 1996. Means 27 years old. Jean Carroll, an author and columnist, wrote a book last year, in which she says how Trump raped her in the dressing room of a department store. In return, Trump makes fun of this woman and says that she does not deserve anything to be done to her. This woman reaches the court and sues that Trump is also lying and has hurt her honor. Then this matter comes before the jury. In which it is found that Trump coerced the woman. The case of rape is not confirmed.

Now we will know under which law such an old case is opened in America. What is the role of the jury. What is the matter actually.

Former US President Donald Trump is always in controversies. A few years back a porn star alleged that she was paid to keep her mouth shut. This is a big indictment against those who contest elections in America. In this case, there was a lot of sloppiness of Trump. This case went on in the Manhattan Court.

what is this matter
Jean Carroll wrote his book last year. the name of this book is “What Do We Need Men Far?: A Modest Proposal” (What Do We Need Men For?: A Modest Proposal) In the same book, he alleged that he was sexually assaulted by two men during the 1990s. In this, he accused Lage Moonves and Donald Trump. Both denied it.

This is American journalist and author E. Jean Carroll, who sued in court that Donald Trump raped her in the changing room of a lingerie store 27 years ago. It was not confirmed in court that rape had taken place but it was proved that Trump had sexually abused her and lied. Trump will have to pay a hefty fine on this. (Wiki Commons)

Trump not only ridiculed Carroll on this allegation last year but also lashed out at her on social media, saying that she doesn’t deserve to even look at her. After this Carroll turned to the court. This old case was opened under a special law.

Who is E Jean Carroll
Her full name is Elizabeth Jean Carroll. She is now 79 years old. She is an American journalist, author and advice columnist. his column “Ask E Jean” It ran in Illy magazine from 1993 to 2019. It was probably the longest running column in America.
He did two marriages. Divorce took place in 1984 after the first marriage and in 1990 after the second marriage. She lives in New York. Has written many books. From writing columns, she has also been appearing on TV. He is one of the famous journalists of America.

what case did carol file in court
Carroll filed a civil suit saying that in 1996 she was in a luxury department store. Trump met him there. He wanted her opinion on some lingerie clothes. He helped Trump. When she went to the dressing room to change clothes, Trump also entered her. There they were forced and raped. In the book he wrote about this matter. When Trump ridiculed her, she went to the court and opened the old case and said that Trump raped her and then publicly insulted her.

The name of this department store is Bergdorf Goodman Department Store. When Carol complained about this, Trump also defamed her saying that she is not of his type. It was also alleged that she is talking fabricated things for the promotion of her book. He didn’t do anything wrong.

Donald Trump

Former US President Donald Trump will not go to jail in this case and neither will his President at present (AP file photo)

under which law the case was filed
Carroll last November “New York State Adult Survivor Act” filed a lawsuit against Trump under This is such a law of America, in which you can open cases like old sexual harassment or indecency.

New York’s laws are very strict in this matter. The law says that sexual touch in any way or touching any intimate part will also be considered as sexual contact. Although the law says that it will be considered rape if a person forcibly has sexual intercourse with another without his consent. Even if its quantity is less or more. In New York, both sexual abuse ie sexual indecency and rape are considered cases related to sexual crimes.

what was there to prove
Carroll’s lawyers had to prove whether Trump coerced him and what is the evidence in this. The jury found that Trump committed sexual misconduct and was entitled to damages for the assault, although the jury did not find that Carroll was raped.
Also, whatever maximum evidence they have, they say that whatever Trump publicly claimed last year about Carroll was wrong and false, and Trump deliberately defamed him by doing so.

how long did carroll testify
This lawsuit was filed in November. After this, Carroll’s hearing was held for two whole days. Argument took place. He narrated the past incident with him. He told how his life has changed since then. During cross-examination, Trump’s lawyer cross-examined him for hours.

Carroll introduced his friends only whom he had told about it after the accident. Trump’s lawyer did a lot of questioning and cross-examination with both of them. However, Trump’s legal team alleged that all three were lying. However, not only Carol, but many women have accused Trump of sexually abusing them from time to time in a similar way.

Who else’s help was taken in this matter
Carroll’s legal team took the help of American clinical psychologist Dr. Leslie Lebovitz in this matter. Which proved that Carol is neither a victim of any disorder nor of mental illness but she was raped by Trump. Lebovitz says that after this accident, Carroll suffered from it for many years. These bad memories kept troubling him.

Why did the jury not accept the rape case
The jury did not accept the case of rape as there was not enough evidence regarding it.

what did the jury decide
The jury found Trump guilty of coercing Carroll and defamation. Usually people are saved in such old cases. But Trump did not survive. He was found guilty in federal court in Manhattan. The jury found that Trump sexually assaulted Carroll, which is sufficient to award him damages for defamation. However, Carroll could not prove before the jury that she had been raped.

The jury unanimously concluded that Trump defamed Carroll, for which he should pay $ 03 million (Rs 24.6 crore), while $ 02 million (Rs 16.41 crore) was awarded to him for inappropriate behavior. However, Carroll did not sue for any fixed amount. This amount was decided by the jury itself.

Why Trump will not have to go to jail in this case
It is a matter of relief for Trump that this case was filed under civil, so he will not have to go to jail.

what are juries in american courts
Whenever an important decision has to be made, the US federal courts consider the opinion of the jury. Provided they reach a unanimous conclusion. In America, there are 09 people in the jury group – 06 men and three women, their identity is kept secret.

How did Trump react to this decision?
Trump did not go to its trial. It was not even necessary. Trump has posted a video on his social media saying that he will appeal against the case. Called it unfortunate and politically motivated. Also reiterated that he does not know who Carroll is. Trump’s lawyer says that this jury team of New York did not conduct a fair trial.

Will it affect Trump’s election campaign?
does not seem to be so. However, this decision will have no effect on Trump’s election contest. Because this is a civil case. When Trump was campaigning for the presidential election in the year 2016, he had several civil cases going on, but after his election, these cases were resolved – it had no effect on his election. This decision has come when Trump is staking his claim to be the candidate within the party in the primaries as the Republican candidate for the US presidential elections.

what did carroll who won the case say
Carroll said that she went to the court only so that the world also knows what is the truth. Now the world has come to know this. After this, Carroll’s lawyer Roberta Kaplan said that no one is above the law, even the former President of America. Carroll said, Trump is a liar and he has damaged my image and now I want to live my life again. By the way, Carroll is a Democrat supporter. She says that Trump is like a devil. His becoming the President of America was like some misfortune.

Tags: Donald Trump, Trump, Trump news, USA


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