September 20, 2024



NASA’s Perseverance Rover claims – Mars’s largest river ever found
On the shape of the rocks, the river is estimated to be more than 66 feet deep at some places.
Scientists believe that it was the sand of the banks of the preserved river.

Washington. NASA’s Perseverance Rover and China’s ZhuRong Rover have found signs of flowing rivers and wet sand dunes on Mars Planet. China’s rover found that about 4 lakh years ago, due to extreme cold, the sand dunes would have frozen hard. There itself NASA The signals received by the Perseverance suggest that a mighty water channel may have made its way into the Jezero crater, causing water to fall at a considerable rate.

NASA’s Perseverance Fortunate the biggest ever River Got it. It has been inferred from the size of the rocks that this river was more than 66 feet deep at some places. Scientists believe that it was the sand of the banks of the preserved river.

Jani Radeb, a researcher at Brigham Young University in Utah, says about both the information that this is very important information that is telling us about the surface of another planet.

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The report of Nat Geo states that China’s rover has discovered traces of water on the surface of Mars. A kind of crust had formed on the sand dune near the rover, which would have been formed by coming in contact with the minerals of the water. It is possible that in the past water would have come here due to frost on these sand dunes or thousands of years ago due to the tilt of the planet, snow would have fallen in this area.

Ralph Milliken, a planetary scientist at Brown University and a member of NASA’s Mars Curiosity mission, says that the dust found on Mars is rich in minerals that can absorb water present in the air. If this material covered the sand dunes, the humidity created by climate change could suck water from the dust and then release it without liquefying. Milliken says that this is a process that can happen at different places on Mars.

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Where China’s rover investigated the wet sand dunes. Whereas Perseverance discovered the remains of a mighty stream. According to the evidence presented by NASA’s rover, a river used to flow on the planet in ancient times which was very deep. And its flow was very fast. This river was part of a network of waterways that flowed into the Jezero Crater. The point to note here is that this is the same area where the rover has been searching for the last 2 years in the hope of signs of microbial life.

NASA has told in its release that, it is clear that a mighty river has brought a lot of debris with it. The more powerful the flow of the river, the more easily it can carry away large pieces. It is a matter of great pleasure to see such rocks on another planet and to have familiar processes.

For the past 2 years, Perseverance has been investigating an 820-foot-tall pile of sand rock. Which is 820 feet long and curved which indicates flowing water. A place in the middle of this curved unit has been named Sprinkle Haven.

Tags: Mars, Nasa, Nasa study, World news in hindi


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