September 20, 2024



US President Joe Biden stumbled and fell.
Biden collided with a sandbag used to keep the teleprompter.
The White House said that President Biden’s health is good.

Washington. During a graduation ceremony at the US Air Force Academy in Colorado, US, President Joe Biden tripped over a sandbag on stage. Due to which the debate about his age increased once again. However, he was lifted back within a few seconds and quickly returned to his seat. After stumbling, 80-year-old US President Biden fell forward. Three people helped him to get up. After which he went back to his seat without any support.

Biden gestured behind him after being helped up. It appears that Biden tripped over a sandbag used to hold the teleprompter. He later met with other officers and gave the ‘thumbs up’ sign with a smile. At the same time, the White House said in its statement that the health of President Biden is good. The White House said that the President had tripped over a sandbag. Earlier in his speech, citing the challenges posed by Russia and China, Joe Biden warned Navy graduates that they would be entering service in an increasingly unstable world.

Tags: Joe Biden, Joe Biden news in Hindi, US President Joe Biden, World news in hindi


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