September 20, 2024



The sonic boom shook Washington on Sunday.
Two F-16 jet fighters chased a suspicious aircraft.
This plane later crashed in Virginia.

Washington. A sonic boom rocked Washington on Sunday as two F-16 jet fighters chased down a suspicious plane that later crashed in Virginia. The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) said in a statement that two F-16s chased a suspicious Cessna aircraft over Washington, DC and northern Virginia. A person aware of this whole incident told that there were four people on board the Cessna plane. According to the US Federal Aviation Administration, the plane had taken off from Elizabethton Municipal Airport in Tennessee and was about to land at New York’s Long Island MacArthur Airport, about 80 kilometers east of Manhattan.

Media reports said that it appeared that after reaching the New York area, the plane took a turn of about 180 degrees and crashed in Virginia. Police said they are searching for the wreckage but it is yet to be found. Public records revealed that the Cessna aircraft was registered to Encore Motors of Melbourne, a Florida-based company. Company owner John Rumpel told The Washington Post that his “whole family” was on board, including his daughter, a grandson and his nanny. He said that ‘we do not know anything about the accident. We are now talking to FAA.

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NORAD said the plane crashed near the George Washington National Forest in Virginia. While the FAA had earlier said that it crashed in a sparsely populated mountainous area of ​​southwest Virginia. It was also said that the US Army tried to establish contact with the pilot till the plane crashed. It is also being said that the plane was seen flying on autopilot. An American official said that the F-16 aircraft did not cause the crash. us President Joe Biden (Joe Biden) was in the White House at that time. He was also informed about this incident.

Tags: America News, F-16, Washington, Washington News


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