September 20, 2024


New Delhi: From Steven Spielberg’s ET to Independence Day… Eighties programs on Doordarshan from Raju and Udantashtri to Koi Mil Gaya. Flying Saucer (UFO) has always been the subject of story for our films and a matter of curiosity for us. A shocking case has just come to light regarding this matter. A government whistleblower has made an extraordinary allegation that the US has UFOs (unidentified flying objects). After this, the circle of doubt about UFO has increased on America.

Let us know what are the allegations of the whistleblower and how much truth is there in it…

what is the claim
A report in the Guardian suggests that David Grush, a former intelligence officer who was overseeing the investigation of Mysterious Anomalous Events (UAP) at the US Department of Defense. One of his claims has created a stir these days. He claims that the US had been collecting unidentified non-human aircraft for a long time.
Grush is a former military officer who previously served in the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office. Later, he shared this information as a whistleblower while discussing the unknown craft with various media.

Grush told News Nation that they are collecting technical vehicles of non-human origin, which you can call spacecraft if you want. These are non-manned extraterrestrial vehicles that either landed on Earth or crashed.

Grush has extensive intelligence experience
According to The Debrief, Grush was employed as senior technical advisor for UAP analysis at the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. During this he had access to top secret information. Apart from this, he also served as a senior intelligence officer in the National Reconnaissance Office. Overall, he has 14 years of experience in intelligence-related roles.

Grush claims that while working on the UAP task force, he was sidelined from a materials recovery program that included incriminating evidence linking him to the craft, The Independent reports.
Grush told NewsNation that, at first I thought I was being tricked into some kind of hoax, some kind of trick. Then people started coming to me and telling. I have had many senior officers, former intelligence officers who themselves came to me. Many of them, with whom I worked for a long time, told me that they were also a part of this program.

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Information not allowed to come before Congress
According to Grush’s statement to The Debrief, he claims to have prepared several briefings on UFOs for Congress. However, last year he decided to disclose data and intelligence related to the Material Recovery Program. The Independent reports that Grush has claimed that the material recovery program was deliberately not allowed to be properly viewed by Congress.

Documents shared with The Debrief show that Grush knew in advance that information related to the UAP was being withheld from Congress, with the intent of obstructing legitimate congressional oversight of the UAP program. According to the July 2021 complaint, Grush confidentially provided classified information about withheld information to the Defense Department’s inspector general. However, he believes that his identity was revealed. Now, as a whistleblower, Grush complains that he is facing retaliation for disclosing confidential information.

veracity of claims
According to a Vox report, people who claim to be whistleblowers fall into three categories, credible individuals who speak the truth with evidence, untrustworthy individuals, and someone who falls somewhere in between. Grush K. In the case, he has admitted that he has no direct knowledge of the alleged UFO events. He has never personally seen any craft or even seen a dead alien pilot. Even he has been claiming that he is telling the information shared by others with him. The identity and credibility of the sources who gave him this information is also not clear, thus the veracity of his claims is doubted.

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No specific details given yet
So far, Grush has not publicly disclosed any specific details about these allegations. In this regard, his supporters argue that it is legally wrong to disclose classified information, so he is silent in this matter. The report states that he also emphasized that he was aware of the legal consequences of lying to these entities, and that he provided classified information to the Inspector General and Congress knowing this.

However, skeptics of Grush’s allegation are questioning whether Grush is simply recounting baseless stories that have long been circulating among a niche community of UFO believers. The special thing is that reputed media institutions like New York Times, Washington Post and Politico have not given Grush’s story any place in their publication. At the same time, The Debrief, a publication that gives importance to UFO news, has given priority to this news.

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However, Vox’s report suggests that it is because of the Congress and the New York Times that UFO-like news has gained credibility. Journalist Leslie Keane compiled credible reports in her book, which is also supported by former White House Chief of Staff John Podesta. Christopher Mellon, a former defense official, introduced Keane to Luis Elizondo, who led a secret government initiative investigating unidentified aerial objects.

Grush’s claims will be reviewed
Later, The New York Times published a story in 2017 on Elizondo’s claims of leading a secret government initiative to investigate unidentified aerial objects through certified video of military pilots’ encounters. Despite all skepticism, the story led to an intense investigation by the Pentagon and the establishment of the UAP Task Force. David Grush used to work in this office. As such, both Grush believers and skeptics anticipate that the Inspector General and Congress will review Grush’s classified claims. Skeptics, however, believe that the specific information Grush provided may never be disclosed. In such a situation, it is believed that either nothing will come out of the Congress investigation or Grush’s claims will be rejected.

Tags: America News, Intelligence agency


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